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The past couple of years have been marked by periods of urgency and awe for social justice minded folks in the US. We were spurred into action with the rise in hate crimes documented by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) in 2016 and filled with hope and joy as... (more)

Our Director, Sarah Fick, was honored to be among those who spoke at the Black Lives Matter in Appalachia Rally hosted by Caitlyn McDaniel and Melissa Wales, held on Monday, February 20, 2017, on the Ohio University campus. Here is the transcript of her speech in full: My name is... (more)

People’s Justice League launched it’s Safer Spaces Campaign in November 2013, training area bartenders and other service providers to recognize early warning signs of potential sexual assault and to step in as active bystanders to prevent assaults from occurring. Director, Sarah Fick, drew upon her 12 years of experience in... (more)